Our Beginning To Forever

Our Beginning To Forever


Happy Halloween!

We went to a haunted corn maze on Saturday. It was actually really good.
I had been wanting to go ALL month, and that was David's only Saturday off so he took me.
We were chased by ppl with chainsaws, clowns, and other things.
I found corn bits down my pants that were thrown at me.
And I lost my little flashlight that I use to go running...twice a year. lol

My Hair is really poofy and gross because of the weather, but whatever. haha
It was a very fun date night. <3

Sunday we had a really yummy brunch. Dinner was quite the epic fail. 
My oven needs to be fixed. Atleast that's what I blame it on. 
But seriously, I don't think it works properly, so we called our apt manager. 
It should be taken care of soon! 

This morning we received a halloween package from my Mom!
We were so excited :) There's so much fun stuff! Thanks, Mom. <3
By the way - David loves when you send movies! He told me to tell you that.
I think it may be some sort of hint? hahaha he's so funny.

Here's our halloween picture. I am a pirate, you can't tell close up also I don't have my eye patch on...David is...David. Or we can just say an aeropostale model ;) 
He has to work tonight, so he doesn't get to dress up with me :( so sad. Next year, maybe!

Here's me and Bob at work. We are pirates! I made sure that my costume was able to look normal by taking a few things off - just in case Bob didn't dress up hahaha. It was a lot of fun though! Bob used a ring measuring stick as a sword - we had to improvise!
That's about it <3 D & B 


Crafty Crafts

I know I am a little bit late, but I forgot to take a picture of our new wreath, until now! (and I couldn't post without it) Mama Mayes made it for our door, and I love it!! It is so dang cute. She's so creative.

Lately I have been pretty bored and unproductive while David is at work all the time, so I decided to make these! It was a lot of fun actually and took up a fair amount of time. And money...ha whoops. It's worth it though! They look great. David helped me hang them on the wall too. I was pretty happy until one of them fell and broke the frame. ugh. But it is fixed now--hooray!

We got our love-seat! It's nice to have it in the room. Kinda makes it a smaller area...by a lot actually, but we would rather have some seats in the room for guests, rather than smashing on one couch or sitting on barstools. There is still room to get in and out of the barstools so it's nice. And in that blank spot on the wall I am thinking about painting a big clock and changing the shelves a little bit...I have a few ideas. I have some more crafts I want to make and do, including an end table and an awesome lamp! So we will see how that turns out--but it won't be anytime too soon! I am still brewing with some ideas of what to do with the ugly space. We'll see how it turns out, eventually. 

We also started attending a new ward for the past 2 weeks now. Ahh...it is sooo much better. We love it. There are actually people our age. And people talk to us. 
Best change ever! That's all :) D&B


Fam Bam Shizzam

This past week was pretty sweet. We got to see so much of our family on David's side. They are so much fun! We all came together for Matt & Sam's sealing and a luncheon afterwards. Good times for sure. I also had Pita Pit for the first time - thanks Teresa and Thomas! Here are some pictures.

Matt, Sam, Riley& Payton looking amazing!

Jenny and Kenny are unfortunately not pictured....since I stole their pictures. Apparently they don't take any of themselves!! 

Also, I did some crafty little craft work--and it actually looks good! I am so happy :)

David took me to walmart, michaels, and the thrift store today. This is the outcome. :)
We also got lots of awesome christmas lights for like 6 bucks. DEALLLL.
I kinda like thrift stores sometimes. :)
Oh. And I do have a gnarly bruise from plasma. How nice.
That's it this time around! <3 D & B


Donuts Are Good.

We went on a little donut date this week.
 It was swell. I love random little outings like that. :) 
Not to mention delicious donuts (and cinnamon rolls). 
I love wearing thermals too. Mine have little snowflakes!
So this past week it got pretty cold out here in Logan. Basically it went from 75 to 50 in like 2 days. 
David and I were going to see how long we could go without using the heat in our house
First - because we went the whole summer without A/C.
Second - because we want to see how long we can last.
Third - because we don't know how much it costs.
Fourth - because we are poor and cheap. 
So the first day it was cold...and then the second day came around and we turned it on. So we basically made it 2 days into the FALL season. haha I already know what I will be accepting for christmas/iloveyou presents...space heater, electric blanket, real winter coat, gloves, scarves, and more cute thermals. ;) I don't know how I am going to survive this winter, but it might be entertaining to other people, so you are welcome in advance! haha No really, I am excited for the first snow and making snowmen and maybe having snowball fights with our neighbors. Seems like it is coming soon! 

Also this week Samantha and I went to give plasma.
It was quite the experience, for me atleast. I had a bad reaction, I was so nervous, I got really hot, sweaty, and sick. The poor workers were all running around getting me ice packs and whatnot! Pretty funny. My second time wasn't so bad except they poked me but went through my vein, so they had to poke my other arm...ugh. I think I will have a cool bruise though...

Sunday we had a wonderful dinner with Matt & Sam, Jenny & Kenny, and Sam's mom, plus the kiddos. It was so good! Ham, funeral potatoes, and rolls. Mmm. It was so nice to have everyone together! Felt like it was ages since that had happened! 
Later that night Dave and I played some cards and bananagrams. It's so much fun when you win! ;) And if you haven't heard of bananagrams, you should check it out, cuz it rocks! It's like scrabble kinda, except everyone makes their own little board so its way more exciting! 
We also got to see my brother Jeremy! It was a short trip for him, but we were glad he stopped by. We stayed up late talking and had breakfast in the morning and off he went. I love seeing family. <3
That's it for now! - D&B


blog slacker

So a while ago our good friend Caleb came and saw us up here at our new place! 
It was so good to see him. We love that kid. He actually drove up to Logan with me when I first met David, so it was cool to have him at our place and catch up and visit. :) 
yes...he is wearing a pokemon shirt....haha


I got bored one day while David was at work, so I pulled out my camera. 
It's been a while since I've taken pictures. 
I love the composition of photos; lines, colors, textures, rule of thirds...
Also, to see the pictures bigger/better, just click on them.

            Sorry about the white stripe and the ugly borders...Oh well.

So there's some pictures I took. It was a lot of fun. 
I need to take out my camera more often. 
Also, I need to learn how to use photoshop...that would be nice.
I was thinking about taking a photo class on campus too.
We'll see what happens. 


We went up to Rexburg, Idaho for a friend's SURPRISE birthday party!
It was so much fun. :) His wonderful girlfriend planned it for him. 
It was a tie die party with fake moustaches, fun people, and an awesome cake.

 Cade, Brieanna, Briana, David

Above is the Rexburg temple. It is so pretty!
David showed me around campus at BYU-I and where he lived. 
It was pretty cool to see what he saw all the time and to walk around the area.
We also saw my brother and Ryan Kilburn. Mission buddies! 
They have been working on that truck forever. 
I wonder if it runs yet?!


And....we finally got our wedding pictures back! They are posted on facebook. Well, some of them. 
But I love this one with all my heart! <3 

Our siblings are the best. :) Look how cute they all are!


This past weekend we went bowling with our neighbors!
John and Camille are so much fun!

I broke 100 points and got a few strikes! Best bowling in a while ha!
We also went over to Matt & Sam's and watched conference and had lunch. It was a great time for sure. Got to see the little cousins too. So sweet. 
I took a few pictures for their fam. 

Sam likes all the pictures, but I think I def need to work on them. 
Atleast they are some good lookin people.
Guess I just need more practice and a lot of youtube videos!

Well I think that's about it. :) D & B