I had been wanting to go ALL month, and that was David's only Saturday off so he took me.
We were chased by ppl with chainsaws, clowns, and other things.
I found corn bits down my pants that were thrown at me.
And I lost my little flashlight that I use to go running...twice a year. lol
My Hair is really poofy and gross because of the weather, but whatever. haha
It was a very fun date night. <3
Sunday we had a really yummy brunch. Dinner was quite the epic fail.
My oven needs to be fixed. Atleast that's what I blame it on.
But seriously, I don't think it works properly, so we called our apt manager.
It should be taken care of soon!
We were so excited :) There's so much fun stuff! Thanks, Mom. <3
By the way - David loves when you send movies! He told me to tell you that.
I think it may be some sort of hint? hahaha he's so funny.
Here's our halloween picture. I am a pirate, you can't tell close up also I don't have my eye patch on...David is...David. Or we can just say an aeropostale model ;)
He has to work tonight, so he doesn't get to dress up with me :( so sad. Next year, maybe!
Here's me and Bob at work. We are pirates! I made sure that my costume was able to look normal by taking a few things off - just in case Bob didn't dress up hahaha. It was a lot of fun though! Bob used a ring measuring stick as a sword - we had to improvise!
That's about it <3 D & B