First of all Happy Birthday to my wonderful hubby!! He's getting old...a big 23! :) Unfortunately, we did not take too many pictures for his bday weekend, but that's ok. It feels like it has been forever that we have seen each other for more than 2 hours, so this past weekend was so perfect!
***I need to mention, go see the movie 'The Lucky One'. It is fantastic!
I went with some girlfriends from church and it was so much fun. They didn't want to take a picture. BUMS.
Saturday and Sunday were completely spent just US time.
It was the most enjoyable time spent in a while. We spoiled ourselves a little bit, but whatever!
I gave David some golf clubs for his birthday - thanks Jeremy for the discount!
He loves them. So after lunch and a little nap, we hit the driving range!
Look how cute he is!! AHHH. It was so much fun! We both had some pretty good hits (him more than me) but that's okay. It was really such a nice day! I quit a bit early due to some blisters! I need a glove I guess!
After we went to the driving range, we went to dinner at Chili's (one of our favs) and then we went to the cheap seats to see 'The Vow'. David is so funny, he said that movie was tugging his heart for too long because he could only see the characters as us. haha he's just so precious!
So that was basically our weekend together :)
I also pulled my camera out today. I wasn't feeling too well so I just decided to go out and take some pictures and relax when I got really sick of being in the house. So here's a few.
I went to the temple--so many pretty flowers!!

I don't know why these stinkin' pictures show up crooked!!! When I edit them before I post it isn't! How dumb.