This month has been so great! We have been able to see both of our families! (Well partially...) but some is better than none! We saw my family first - Mom, Austin, and Melissa. They came out from California for President's Week. We had a lot of fun going around town, to Pepperidge Farm, bowling, shopping, hanging out at the house, and snowboarding at Beaver Mountain. I don't have too many pictures, or lets say good ones... But here's a few.
Cute little Austy. Here we are bowling. Tired Mommy.
This was their first time snowboarding, and it didn't end too well for poor Melissa. She broke her wrist, but she's a tough one! Atleast she tried--she says that was the first and last time she'd go boarding. Don't blame her. Austin took some pretty big spills too but he did awesome.

We got to see David's side of the family as well! (Mom, Dad, Chloe, and Whit) They came all the way from Iowa and we were so so happy! (Well Whit lives in Salt Lake City) Literally haven't seen them since our wedding in July. It was definitely about time. And with them coming we also hung out with Jen and Ken, Shauntell, and two of her kids too! It was a short visit but such a good one. We played lots of games, talked, shopped a bit, and went shooting! It was so much fun. We definitely want our own guns now.
<<<< And here's our target. hehe The girls were having a hard time with it. ;)
Here's Shauny, Jenny, and Shannon. And such a cute picture of Mom and Chloe!
Here's Shauny, Jenny, and Shannon. And such a cute picture of Mom and Chloe!
This gun was so heavy! I couldn't even aim it! Just shot it. But I know I hit some snow. :)
And dang my hubby is good looking. I'm a lucky gal.
Pops in Law. He's the gun-man.
We have had such a great time being able to spend time with our families.
And wish it could be longer.
So that's what's been going on over here. <3 D&B
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