I am late again with the post...whoops. Well this past week Dave and I went to lunch at Rio Cafe, it was delish. I had never been there before and it was so nice to see my honey on my lunch break at work. (He always brightens my day!) I am really enjoying my job at Morgan's. It is so nice to work with such great people. There is still lots to learn...but like last week, things are coming along. We are so incredibly happy that we get to stay in Logan. I love it here! The mountains are huge! Well I forgot to mention that last week we saw transformers 3 in theater. It was not the best. Another redbox movie for sure. Just a heads up for you all. :) So saturday was good, we both had it off and got to spend all day playing! We went to the Morgan's to say goodbye to the girl I'm replacing and to check out the two wedding bands we are looking at. Holy moly...talk about procrastination in getting a band...but it will be okay. We got this under control. After that we went to the mall and bought David some new shorts and shirts and some sandals. He's a happy boy. I found this wonderful cologne too...I think I am going to go get it for him one of these days. Mmmmm. We also bought some sunscreen because we went to the pool again! But this time we didn't need it...it started to thunder and lightning, it was pretty sweet. It turned into a huge storm and rained so hard!
David put on the sunscreen while I put on the tanning lotion but neither were needed this time :p
(it was sunny when we got there!!)
(it was sunny when we got there!!)
After we went swimming we were planning on going to the demolition derby!!! How fun does that sound? Yah...like so much fun, but like I said, there was a huge rainstorm so we didn't go. It would have been way too soggy and wet to stand/sit there for a few hours. Yuck. So, instead, we decided to watch some movies and stay in the nice warm house. I also made some cornbread and chili stuff for dinner and it was way good. Yum yum yum! We also get to teach lessons the next two weeks at church for the primary kids. I'm scared...ahhh! That is all for now, until next time. <3 D & B
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